Kamis, 24 Januari 2019

Nama :Muhamad Shofi'i
NPM  :18-22-201-029

The purpose of making blog ?
The purpose of the blog is to convey information that is useful for themselves and others,to provide benefits for themselves and others,to channel hobbies and fill their spare time with positive activities,work or self-actualization to exchange ideas with readers and share

The reason that the blog is visited reviewers ?

The importance of blogs that we make to be visited by reviewers is very important where the reader can assess the results of the writing or the work  that we make.From there we can improve our writing so that it can be better and from reviewers we can produce excellent works.Besides that reviewers can exchange their submission to the author.

The students on media dissemination and promotion of competence ?

My hope is about socializing and promoting English language competence in the form of blogs or webs.First,we can train ourselves to learn more about language.Second,We can express ideas or ideas that we make in writing,And thirdly we can provide our knowledge or experience.For reviewers,Here are a lot of benefits that we can get,so students should be able to accept and appriciate doing this because this has a good impact on us and our place to pour out our ideas without being limited

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